
Will AI put HR out of job? Or will it improve HR efficiency?

With all the digital revolutions taking place, invasion of AI in the corporate world is inevitable. But does this mean HR will eventually be replaced by AI? Experts say no! AI, no matter how smart it is, cannot replicate a human with emotions. Continuous learning is one thing and having emotions inculcated is another. HR  Analytics is one example wherein AI helps the HR. But AI does have a huge scope in aiding HR. Following are the areas where AI can help HR boost efficiency-

– Recruitment

The HR department’s responsibility for talent acquisition is crucial to the company. Since adding skilled people to the team will likely result in the company’s expansion. The talent acquisition process may be where artificial intelligence in HR is most used. AI decreases the time and effort needed to execute these and other tedious tasks. From screening applications to managing databases. Setting up interviews, and responding and resolving contestant queries. As a result, the HR team can concentrate on more important jobs. Like sourcing, employee relation, recruitment marketing, and other beneficial operations. It also dramatically shortens the hiring process and saves time.

– Orientation and Training

AI-based unified systems will introduce new hires to business knowledge and rules on the first day itself. New employees receive all the required information through the mobile app or on their laptop. Job profile data, company policies, task assignments, team member information, etc is provided. This process is referred to as onboarding. HR procedures can be tailored to the needs of the employees and their associated tasks thanks to artificial intelligence. Additionally, AI keeps track of all of the company’s crucial contact information and other crucial activities.

Using AI, employees will be able to research and educate themselves on requirements. Offering knowledge on current technology and software developments in the sector will also help them stay up to date. The AI will automatically comprehend and assign the employee with the proper training.  After analysing the papers and examinations. Based on their work description, pertinent skill set information will be given to them for better advancement. AI-based HR technology may analyse data and notify the HR team of the need for employee training. This smart method will improve workers’ productivity and intelligence. All this while also helping them learn more efficiently. They can train certain programmes and teach employees how to execute according to requirements.

– Employee Experience

Because of the high level of automation and strong emphasis on customer experience in the environment, employees anticipate a beneficial and productive environment when they join customised engagement. Consumer technology is currently shaping employee experiences. While also considering employees looking for options for how they want to be involved and supported. A tailored employee experience may be achieved by effectively integrating AI throughout the whole employee lifecycle. From hiring and onboarding to providing HR services and career planning. With customised feedback forms and employee appreciation initiatives. Human resources departments can now assess employee engagement and job satisfaction with greater accuracy than ever before. Given how important it is to comprehend employees’ general needs, this is very helpful. However, there are many important organisational advantages to possessing this understanding as well.

– Leadership

AI will enhance the working methods of instructors and program managers in a company because it will help and develop trainees. By posing questions to the members of their respective teams, the AI will assess the architecture of the leader’s qualities. And provide them with the skills they are lacking or adaptable attributes. Second, by examining the dashboard, managers may assess their own performance and adapt their skill sets to the demands of the workplace.

In conclusion, AI is sure to invade HR. But it is not enough to completely replace HR.  There are issues including privacy. A personnel shortage, upkeep, integration capabilities, and a lack of proven applications. Yet, using precaution while installing AI services will prevent needless problems.

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